Tuesday, July 29, 2014

CLEO Talks Climate: An Introduction

Welcome to CLEO Talks Climate, The CLEO Institute’s outlet for urgent conversations on climate change. CLEO staff and supporters will be sharing their thoughts and expertise on various topics relating to climate impacts. New videos will be posted periodically, and we hope that you find this digital endeavor informative and motivating.

This first video features Caroline Lewis, CLEO's founder and director, and serves as an introduction to The CLEO Institute, its rationale and its overall mission and vision.

So, why did CLEO decide to take on climate change? This can be summed up in five main reasons:

First, because there is consensus among more than 98% of scientists that climate change is real and that humans are largely responsible for recent trends. Second, because many of these scientists are asking for help in bridging the knowledge divide between science and society. Third, to show how we as individuals impact the environment with our daily decisions, choosing our future with every dollar we spend and with every vote we cast. Fourth, to show how we as individuals are interconnected and inherently responsible for the fate of the planet's climate. Fifth and finally, to make the daunting task of understanding climate science accessible to the public.

Thank you for your interest in and commitment to climate change education and awareness. We hope that you join us on our journey toward climate literacy!

Donate to our cause today!